Starting a CBD Company: Which Product Should I Sell?

This week, as a follow-up to our article, “How to Start Selling CBD Products,” we thought that we’d take some time to address one of the biggest stumbling blocks in starting a CBD company: choosing which type of product to sell. CBD is now available in a huge variety of forms, including oils, gummies, lotions, […]

Craft Beer Labeling: Should I Print Labels In-House?

Most craft brewers are so busy thinking about the product that goes in the bottle, they neglect to devote time to the bottle itself. But brewers beware: Appearance is a big factor that influences purchasers’ decisions. What your label looks like, and who prints it, is worth some consideration; both factors will have a big […]

How to Start Selling CBD Products: The Basics

You’ve probably seen ads for CBD products at the pharmacy, online, in strip malls, and, well, everywhere. And at this point in time, it’s not fool’s gold—the CBD market is expected to reach $20 billion by the end of 2024. If holistic wellness is a passion of yours—or if you’re entrepreneurial-minded—you’re probably wondering how to […]

How to Sell at a Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s markets have become increasingly popular in recent years, and they’re a great way to test a new product and gather customer feedback. On the downside, it can be difficult to turn a profit at a farmer’s market, and selling at one typically involves a lot of work. Below are some tips and strategies that […]

How to Start A Food Business, Part 2: Selling Your Product

So, you’ve done everything you need to do to get up and running with your new cottage food business. You’ve familiarized yourself with the legal codes; located a manufacturing facility; and put some thought into your packaging. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty: actually pricing, selling, and shipping your products. Below are […]

Selling Food From Home: 5 Steps to Get Started

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people are deciding to pursue their passions instead of the traditional 9 to 5 grind. If you’re determined to spend your days shipping off jars of jam instead of filling out spreadsheets, you may be wondering how to start selling food from home—and finding yourself […]

Top 7 Examples of Eco Packaging

As Seattle became the first city in the US to ban plastic straws this summer, the concern over single use plastics and non-biodegradable packaging is growing fast. Social media feeds are inundated with scenes of marine animals struggling through debris, and islands made up of trash are swirling in the oceans. It’s pretty hard to […]

Turbo and Tiny Fast CIJ Printer – Jet2NeoS

Acrylic Tape The Jet2neoS has all the features of the Jet2Neo, but it designed for smaller fonts and higher production throughput. The Jet2neoS has a smaller nozzle that is 60µ, which is perfect for extremely fine print. As a standard in the inkjet world, the Jet2neoS is a rock solid solution for you CIJ needs […]

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