Understanding Food Date Codes

If you’ve ever read the date codes on food products, like “Use By” or “Sell By,” you may have wondered what they really mean. Is it safe to eat a product that’s past its Sell-By date? And what about the other codes you may see printed on various food packaging? In this blog, we’ll explain […]

How to Start A Food Business, Part 2: Selling Your Product

So, you’ve done everything you need to do to get up and running with your new cottage food business. You’ve familiarized yourself with the legal codes; located a manufacturing facility; and put some thought into your packaging. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty: actually pricing, selling, and shipping your products. Below are […]

Top 7 Insanely Awesome Packaging Designs

Now more than ever, packaging matters. For any given product, consumers are faced with dozens of choices that are all extremely similar to one another (remember the last time you tried to pick out a tube of toothpaste?) As a result, it’s packaging that ends up doing most of the selling—and a clever, eye-catching design […]