How to Fix Everything with Duct Tape

We don’t need to tell you what duct tape is. Almost every American has used the tough, grippy stuff to patch, repair, or fasten something in a pinch; many of us have a roll or two sitting in the house right now. Duct tape has become an essential part of American society, and it’s no […]

The Amazing, Accidental History of Bubble Wrap

The Amazing, Accidental History of Bubble Wrap The invention of bubble wrap revolutionized the shipping process and helped launch today’s billion-dollar Ecommerce industry—but it was never intended to. As part 2 of our series celebrating National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day this month, today we present you with the strange, surprising history of an iconic product […]

There’s a Box for That! Types of Boxes You Never Knew Existed

Here at SSI Packaging, we’ve got boxes– 1600 sizes of them, in fact. We’ve got big boxes. Small boxes. Cargo boxes. Moving boxes. We have so many boxes of various size, shape, color, and thicknesses that we’re pretty sure many of our clients don’t even know how many options they have! In this week’s blog, […]

5 Fun Facts About Bubble Wrap for Bubble Wrap Day

Although, by January, you have doubtlessly taken down your Christmas lights and recycled your tree, the festivities aren’t over. That’s right, January 25th is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, which Americans celebrate on the last Monday of January. We here at SSI Packaging love the bubbly stuff, even though we have to save the fun […]

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