Top 10 Holiday Cookie Mailing Tips 

Few things are as comforting as homemade cookies from a loved one, which is why they’re a classic holiday gift. But if you’re mailing cookies to far-away friends and family, you’ll need to take care to ensure they don’t crumble, go stale, or invite bugs. Here are some holiday cookie mailing tips that ensure your […]

Save Money with These Small Business Shipping Tips

So, you’ve just started your new business selling bath bombs/small-batch hot sauce/vegan soy candles/et cetera. Congratulations! Before cracking open the champagne, though, it’s important to consider the less-exciting aspect of running a small business: getting the product to the buyer. Though it isn’t very fun to think about, it’s a fact that the way you […]

The Hidden Cost of Cheap Packaging

When companies are looking for ways to reduce expenses, high-quality packaging is often the first thing to go. Many business owners decide to rely on cheap boxes, tape, pallets, and interior fillers in the hopes that they’ll save on operational costs. However, cheap packaging is actually far from cost-effective. Here are four reasons why. It […]