How to Reduce Online Clothing Returns

Apparel accounts for almost a quarter of all U.S. online retail sales, and it also has the highest return rate. According to Coresight Research, about 26% of clothing items will be returned this holiday season, costing retailers about $150 billion in return shipping and restocking fees. Clothing returns are bad for the planet, too, with […]

8 Things Your Mail Carrier Wants You to Know 

It’s summer, and it’s hot—in fact, those of us on the east coast are facing record-breaking temperatures this July. It’s a rough time to be outside, so we thought we’d devote today’s blog to some people who work tirelessly in the elements all year ‘round: mail carriers. Below are 8 things which can help your […]

The 7 Weirdest Things People Have Sent Through the Mail

Neither rain, nor wind, nor driving snow will stop the delivery of the mail. Nor, apparently, will disgusting items; heavy items; bizarre items; or the fact that the item is a living human being. Here are some of the strangest things people have successfully sent through the mail. Children When the U.S. Postal Service began […]

Save Money with These Small Business Shipping Tips

So, you’ve just started your new business selling bath bombs/small-batch hot sauce/vegan soy candles/et cetera. Congratulations! Before cracking open the champagne, though, it’s important to consider the less-exciting aspect of running a small business: getting the product to the buyer. Though it isn’t very fun to think about, it’s a fact that the way you […]