How to Reduce Online Clothing Returns

Apparel accounts for almost a quarter of all U.S. online retail sales, and it also has the highest return rate. According to Coresight Research, about 26% of clothing items will be returned this holiday season, costing retailers about $150 billion in return shipping and restocking fees. Clothing returns are bad for the planet, too, with […]

Creative Marketing Strategies to Gain New Customers

If you’ve just launched your own business, your number one concern is most likely acquiring new customers. If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you are probably familiar with the most popular marketing tools, like Pay Per Click advertising, SEO, and email marketing. However, if you’ve tried all these methods and still aren’t seeing […]

Help Launch Your Business with These 10 Free Design Tools

If you’re launching your own startup business, you’re probably pretty strapped for cash. One of the best ways to save money is to DIY your own marketing materials, including your website, logo, promotional materials, or product label. If you’ve decided to tackle these essential items on your own, here are ten free design tools you […]

11 Proven Ways to Reduce Returns for Your Small Business

Online shopping is at an all-time high. Unfortunately, so are returns. As we noted in last month’s blog, Americans returned about $816 billion worth of merchandise last year, representing about 17% of all retail purchases. With the amount of returns rising steadily, your best bet as a business owner is to adopt a preventative strategy. […]

Holiday Returns: Just How Much do We Send Back?

If you are like the vast majority of American consumers, you’ll be heading to a store this January to return an item—or several items—that were less than satisfactory. As a packaging supply company, we were curious to know exactly how much Americans return throughout the holiday season each year. Here are some of the most […]

How to Start A Food Business, Part 2: Selling Your Product

So, you’ve done everything you need to do to get up and running with your new cottage food business. You’ve familiarized yourself with the legal codes; located a manufacturing facility; and put some thought into your packaging. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty: actually pricing, selling, and shipping your products. Below are […]

Save Money with These Small Business Shipping Tips

So, you’ve just started your new business selling bath bombs/small-batch hot sauce/vegan soy candles/et cetera. Congratulations! Before cracking open the champagne, though, it’s important to consider the less-exciting aspect of running a small business: getting the product to the buyer. Though it isn’t very fun to think about, it’s a fact that the way you […]