Types of 2D Barcodes: Choosing the Right Barcode  

If you haven’t already heard, by 2027, all traditional barcodes will be replaced by the square-shaped codes you’ve probably seen on restaurant menus and ads everywhere. With the deadline to transition looming ever-closer, that means that this is a great time to learn more about the new codes—known as 2D barcodes—and how they can help […]

8 Things Your Mail Carrier Wants You to Know 

It’s summer, and it’s hot—in fact, those of us on the east coast are facing record-breaking temperatures this July. It’s a rough time to be outside, so we thought we’d devote today’s blog to some people who work tirelessly in the elements all year ‘round: mail carriers. Below are 8 things which can help your […]

Mailing Tips: Father’s Day Edition

Can you send Dad a six pack of beer through the U.S. mail? What about a box of cigars? Today, as a follow-up to our popular holiday mailing tips blog, we share some tips on packaging and mailing your potential Father’s Day gifts this June. When is Father’s Day 2024? First things first: it’s on […]

The 7 Weirdest Things People Have Sent Through the Mail

Neither rain, nor wind, nor driving snow will stop the delivery of the mail. Nor, apparently, will disgusting items; heavy items; bizarre items; or the fact that the item is a living human being. Here are some of the strangest things people have successfully sent through the mail. Children When the U.S. Postal Service began […]

11 Proven Ways to Reduce Returns for Your Small Business

Online shopping is at an all-time high. Unfortunately, so are returns. As we noted in last month’s blog, Americans returned about $816 billion worth of merchandise last year, representing about 17% of all retail purchases. With the amount of returns rising steadily, your best bet as a business owner is to adopt a preventative strategy. […]

Holiday Returns: Just How Much do We Send Back?

If you are like the vast majority of American consumers, you’ll be heading to a store this January to return an item—or several items—that were less than satisfactory. As a packaging supply company, we were curious to know exactly how much Americans return throughout the holiday season each year. Here are some of the most […]

Essential Packaging Tools to Speed Up Your Process

Three years out from the Covid-19 pandemic, online shopping has become more popular than ever. While that’s mostly great news for small businesses, it also presents a problem—accommodating a huge influx of orders can be difficult to scale, especially if you don’t have a lot of hands on deck! Luckily, there are a variety of […]

5 Reasons Why Dropshipping is Bad for Business

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people are considering leaving their jobs and launching a new endeavor. For many, that new path might be based in a passion or a hobby—like selling craft beer or homemade food. But if you’ve never been the crafty type, and the only thing you really […]

Benefits of Marking and Coding Homemade Products

If you’re just starting to sell your own craft beer or homemade food product, you’re probably aware that you need to mark and code your items in order to comply with local and federal regulations. But you’re probably not aware of all the benefits of marking and coding your products. In today’s blog, we’ll explain […]

There’s a Box for That! Types of Boxes You Never Knew Existed

Here at SSI Packaging, we’ve got boxes– 1600 sizes of them, in fact. We’ve got big boxes. Small boxes. Cargo boxes. Moving boxes. We have so many boxes of various size, shape, color, and thicknesses that we’re pretty sure many of our clients don’t even know how many options they have! In this week’s blog, […]

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